In order to keep Club Penguin safe, moderators patrol the game. They can’t be everywhere at once, so there is also a feature to report penguins.
Anyway, the main Club Penguin Moderators are:
- Billybob
- Gizmo
- Happy77
There is also some former Club Penguin Staff Members:
- Rsnail
- Screenhog
Moderators do not give away their identity, and so anybody claiming to be one is lying. If you break a rule on Club Penguin and get caught, you will either be banned or kicked by a moderator, or automatically by the server.
Fun Fact: Moderators were used to have a “M” badge on their playercard, but it was removed in 2006 because people would hack it when they were not a moderator.
Meet me in Blizard!
Anyone here?
Just playing with smileys.:D π XD
why r you ppl just talking you we have war in ever sevrer agents fighting swat fight acp fire fills oh dear like cananda vsing america dude its very weird
i know lf we kinda penguins sitll chat on club penguin but we have a war every day didnt you know oh my
moring!! ll lol i get this everyday wont you ppl yo this kinda funny man you know yo young player lol yeah yesh
im talking everday but i like chat and chat but that is kinda fun man lol comment back to me club penguin name jemmett88 add me on sleet