Screenhog posted on the Mech Mice saying that they are finally announcing a date when we can test the first version of Mech Mice! – He said:

So, beta testing is less than three weeks away, but what does “beta testing” mean? It means that you’ll get the opportunity to try out the game in an unfinished form. Some things won’t be working, some of the art won’t be finished.


Why are we releasing it to be played before the game is finished? Because we need your help! We’re going to be asking you to send us everything about the game that you can think of: comments, bug reports, places where you got stuck, things that you loved. Without you, we can’t make a good game.

See you on July 9th!


This is fantastic, the first version of Mech Mice is coming! Are you looking forward to play Mech Mice?


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