This blog is owned by Loki Terry & Joelle. Our graphic administrator is Solsolsol9. We all love hanging out on Tinkatolli and you would see us quite often. All the updates of Tinkatolli will be posted on our website here.
You can follow us on Twitter – HausOfJoelle , LokiTerry , Solsolsol9 , Tinkarobert97 & Lukey140701 If there are any problems please e-mail us at or !
Loki Terry –
Updated Tinka – when Loki Terry changes his tinka this will change below:
Known Tinka –
Joelle –
Updated Tinka – when Joelle changes her tinka this will change below:
Known Tinka –
Solsolsol9 – Graphic Administrator
Updated Tinka – when Solsolsol9 changes his tinka this will change below:
Known Tinka –
Updated Tinka – when Tinkarobert97 changes his tinka this will change below:
XbirdCP – Author
Updated Tinka – when Xbird changes his tinka this will change below:
Lukey140701 – Author
Updated Tinka – when Lukey140701 changes his tinka this will change below:
Others: Mexboy, Sweetflame & Mikep01
We all hope to see you soon on Tinkatolli! 🙂
i see joelle but not loki 🙁
I’ve seen you once! 🙂
I Joelle is my Freinds and i see loki terry alot XD
I see Joelle right now haha 🙂
now ive seen you lol 🙂
where is the rope
It is hidden in different places for everyone. Try Canopia by the slide, Junkatolli by the Sorting Station, Sundunia by the top of the windmills and TinkerTown by the blue little house in the bottom, right corner.
i need to trade trader tinka
Ok thanks where is the wooden clospin ?
It’s not out anymore lol
umm im online now and frank cant find the big fat rose if you can come on we would really need the help thanks
It seems to be different for everyone, but it should be behind something red in Canopia or any other area. It will be hard to find. If not, come on later and I’ll give you one
where is the E egg ? and the A egg ?
Check in the older posts at the very bottom
now all i need is the A egg
Hey tiger! – You can check out to see where it may be located by going to this URL: – If you can’t find the “A” egg, we’ll see if there are any other locations 🙂
hey loki
Hey tiger! 🙂
loki u ther
Yes, I am! 🙂 – I responded to your question about the “A” egg – this may help you 🙂
hi loki and joelle
hi joelle
Hey guys!! I somehow lost the small white shell when I was building the canoe and..well I NEED HELP!!
All solved 😀
Do you see it now? 😀
How did you get the backpack to be gone and your tinka looks totally different from the top O_o
I have no idea, Loki did it 🙂
Take a picture of ur tinka by the camrea.
I meet them all today.. 🙂
and add them but don’t get any replied 🙁
We have our lists full but if we see you, say hi and we’ll add you :]
when my website is out plz can u and loki help me to update it and that if im not on?
hi evryone!! very good picture with Loki Terri,Joelle and Solsolsol 😀 😀 😀
Hey, thanks 😀
Hey Joelle and loki where do you find oranges
It wasn’t supposed to be released, it was an accident and they’ve removed it. But, it should be coming soon :]
ok _
_ )
I saw Joelle today but I didn’t know she worked for the site until today.
Hey there ! Yes, I’m admin here =]
i sae joell and lokitery and solso.
Are you guys staff on tinkatoli?
Hey 🙂 We’re not staff 😀
tinkatolli is and always has been my favorite website! 😀
Woot !
HEY! That’s really UNFAIR! I bet MANY people want to be an author on this blog and now you just added an author that doesn’t have time to blog (he quotes). Do you even know if he has experience? I am just saying that it is a bit unfair to others.
Hey, we have been watching possible authors for the past 2 months and we saw how Robert was the more determined and dedicated tinka, he also matched all our characteristics. We might be hiring more authors in the future, but for now, we will just keep watching out :]
Stefan, robert made an entire promo for this blog, he is actually very dedicated.
i have been on tinkatolli for 100 days! :p it is so awesome!
Awesome ;D
can you add my blog to your blogroll please? It’s I will add yours
Sorry, we don’t add any other blogs to our blogroll :/
hi joelle yesterday
i was a hundred days old on tinkatolli
Congrats 😀
i havent seen you on tinkatolli for ever can you go on not this thursday not the next thursday but the next thursday.
We go on afternoon times on Tinkatolli! – we’ll try to catch you on! 🙂
Hope to see you around soon :]
ive seen Tinkarobert97 today!
Awesome 😀
i was on today:)
good morning:P
hey a glitch happened to me, it kept popping up windows that said I earned a badge but didn’t show the badge so I checked my profile and I didn’t earn anything
Oh, yeah that’s a glitch, don’t worry about it :]
Hey guys, I would love to meet you in Tinkatolli but I think our times are different 🙁
Hope to see you on there some time.
Hey, right now we’re all busy with exams, but as from Tuesday, you will be seeing us much more often on tinkatolli 😀 Hope to see you soon !
Hey! I saw Joelle and Tinkarobert97 once,But why dont the both of you talk that much?
Oooh ! It depends when you’ve seen us, lately I’ve just come online to collect some things as I have been soo busy with exams, but now I do come online and chat :]
Hello again, What you posted doesn’t show in my computer at the home page, And i need to find where you find the things the trader asks. What happend?
Oh I’m so sorry, we had a problem with the website, but it should be fixed now ! 🙂
I saw tinkarobert online and i asked for a tinkaview but then he left 🙁
It’s hard to be online sometimes when tinkas have different timezones, so I think it’s easier to complete this – – we will then add a post of your tinkaview! 🙂
How do you get the GIF of the changing tinkas? i have been looking everywhere on the internet to fin it
I’m not sure since I didn’t do this xD
Hi. I think all staff on tinkatolli hates me because I send them a email and they dont reply and I ask them to come on tt and they dont come on. Its like every one on Tinkatolli hates me. 🙁
No, don’t think that! They’re probably very busy =]
Well Iv been waiting for a reply of Kevin and Tinkaluke for weeks now. I wish Im luck and get to see them.
Awww, e-mail them again =]
When i go to Blueberry hill, I can see two tinkas, But they are like clones, Like two tinkarobert97 right now. The first one dosen’t move, And the seccond does move. I keep on seeing the glitch everyday at blueberry hill. How does the glitch does it in my computer?
will tell the staff about your problem :]
It’s not a glitch it’s just the way the server loads sometimes and sometimes you see two of the same tinka the same thing happens to me, so it’s nothing to do with your computer just the Tinkatolli server.
Well done Robert for bieng the auther. I signed up for that. 🙂
We are still hiring more =]
Can we also ride the robots in the new version now?
Not yet 😀
And the helicopter and the space ship?
New video editor! Congrats Mexboy!
Are you going to be hiring any more authors for M.U.M?
Yes, very soon :]
Your skript is great, used it erityveme in Firefox. Today i tried it in Google Chrome, but your replytracker is not shown on my profile and home page. What’s wrong? Cheers
Are you still hiring or is that it?
That’s it for now, but we will be considering applications in the future =]
I really need to interveiw someone for my report about tinkatolli.
When will you post your next membership contest?
I keep on posting my 4 creations but the staff still won’t accept. What happend?
Oh ! It’s just they’re so busy that they’re delaying the acceptance of creations in the Tinkafair
Sorry to Interrupt you and writed it too late but when i click accept creation, Ive been waiting for 5 months, But i keep on clicking send creation, But won’t work
You should e-mail the problem to he will help you =]
You also forgotten to update this: They redecorated Canopia and Tinkertown, They deleted Upper Canopia, They putten Cafe Kitsch in Canopia, They add real flowers, They put the Tinkafair in Tinkertown, We can’t hover our mouse to move anymore, The map looks way different, They put the first fountain in Tinkertown, They putten Dirty 12 Dozen back, Ever since November they putten a lot of chairs, And There is a paper in the map right next to Tinkertown, A lot right? That is a lot of advice for you.
Hello again, There is something happening, Everytime when i click on a game, It says its 100 percent, But it takes too long to load. What is going on there? Plus i can’t leave the game.
Yeah, I’ve had this problem in the past, apparently it was fixed but I still get this, I’ll let kevin know! 🙂 – thanks! — for now you’ll have to log off and back on
hi! good luck on anyone who is saving up for a cool thing on tinkatolli! have fun tinkering and help keep the world of tinkatolli tidy by collect you never know might find some really cool stuff!
good luck
Like Soo cool Loki And Joelle And sol Nice!:P:D
Don’t forget the other people who write here.
Hey tinka’s!
Just though i would say happy tinkering! 😀
Hey Loki Terry!! its me MK form MM could you tell tommypp that id wannna be a mod in lollo vw coz i got loads of exams
Hey Guys! What’s up? 🙂
Hey! – not much, are you on summer vacation yet? Joelle, Sol and I are fine.. how are you? 🙂
Hey, i’m doin good! 🙂 And yea we are. 😀
Congrats to Anutka2!
its nearly time for me to go back to school (about a week) but the summer hols gave me more time to tinka. I will try to go on as much as i can!
🙂 lol random