Tinkatolli Guides


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Tinkatolli Dirty Dozen Items Now Randomize

Hey Tinkas,

Tinkatolli has updated the Dirty Dozen so that now, every time you enter the room, a different set of Unusuals can be won! For example, these are the Unusuals that displayed the first time I entered the room:


When I exited the room and then re-entered it, these Unusuals displayed:


Pretty cool, huh? Let us know in the comments if you win any Unusuals from the Dirty Dozen!

Tinkatolli New Room Sunspot & Other Updates

Hey Tinkas,

Tinkatolli has just released a brand new member – only room called Sunspot. To get to Sunspot, you have to get on your boat in Canopia and then choose the icon on the bottom right. Sunspot is a small beach, which contains a totem pole as well as some pretty shells which you can collect.


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Tinkatolli has also added two boat signs in Kelp Key, one which takes you to Bluffs Base and the other to Sunspot.

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Bluff’s Base now has a staircase leading up to Cove Cave.

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Credit to Yawn2

What do you think of these updates? I absolutely love the new room, the new staircase is pretty useful too !

Stinkatolli & Sundunia Now Non-Member Rooms

Hey Tinkas,

Tinkatolli has now made both Stinkatolli and Sundunia accessible for both members and non-members.

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What do you think of this update? Let us know by commenting below!

Tinkatolli Member Rooms

Hey Tinkas,

The popular rooms Stinkatolli and Sundunia have become “member rooms” on Tinkatolli. This means that only Tinka’s who have bought a paid membership can access those rooms.

These are how the the newly added member rooms look on the map. Notice how the membership badge has been added to the rooms:


If you are a non-member and you try to get into one of these rooms, this message will pop-up:


This also means that DuneDudes, Mandala Maker and Shell Diggr are now member only games!

What do you think of this update? Do you agree with Tinkatolli’s decision to make these rooms members-only? Let us know!