MiniMonos Treehouse of the Week: Mattybon’s mixing it up with old and new!

This week’s treehouse is really cool, there has been a lot of treehouses which Calpyso has seen however this treehouse could be deemed as antique – if you can guess it’s the “grandgather” clock. With that being said this weeks winner is Mattybon.






Calpyso had to say:

Not only does Mattybon like to keep it old school with his MiniMonos Beta Bananaza posters and his grandfather clock, he likes to keep it fresh with one of the newest treehouse items on MiniMonos. Can you guess which item that could be? Leave us a comment and let us know (here’s a hint: it was designed by a MiniMonos monkey)!

Awesome treehouse, Mattybon! Nice way of mixing things up a bit! 🙂 You might want to hide that treasure though, you never know when a ninja might come and take it! :O

It’s great, I love the mixing of the furniture, great work Mattybon!

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