Beta Bananza Cannon Return at Awanga Cove?! – Glitch?

Update 00:30 AM GMT UK: This glitch has been resolved and fixed!

I’ve been on MiniMonos for a long time today and I was wondering around and noticed the Bananza Cannon which was at the Beta Bananza parties has returned at the Awanga Cove.

Check it out:

You can stand on it and it releases the cannon monkey but it’s weird, theres no item or anything, it’s just there, weird!

My friend Solsolsol9 is new to MiniMonos and he launched the cannon and wasn’t here for beta and he received a poster for his treehouse.. and I checked it’s poster 5 of the beta bananza parties.

Is this a glitch or bug or is there something going on that we haven’t been been told a little bit about? – Leave your comments below and let me know!

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