Pottermore Book 2 Chapter 4 Walkthrough

In the first level of zoom in moment 3, hover your mouse over the drawer for 5 galleons.

In the second level of zoom, collect the Mask.

In the third level of zoom, collect the dragon liver.

Moving on to moment 4, pick up peppermint in the first level of zoom.

In the same level of zoom, pick up the hairpin.

Moving on to the second level of zoom, you can unlock ‘The Malfoy Family’.

In the same place, you can pick up ‘Magical Me’.

Next, pick up the Encyclopedia of Toadstools in the same level of zoom.

Hidden in the bookshelf in the background, you can pick up the Miranda Goshawk Chocolate Frog Card.

Book 2 Chapter 5 Walkthrough

57 thoughts on “Pottermore Book 2 Chapter 4 Walkthrough

  1. Hi :o)
    I’m having trouble with the floo powder – if I click on it it goes purple and says ‘Interact’ but it won’t let me drag it or do anything else with it… anyone else got this problem?

  2. I can not get the stupid book! it disappeard! and i cant colllect it! help me!!

    • They doesn’t have problems with their brain. I had the same trouble. It’s either a glitch in the website or you can’t figure it out.

      Just drag it into the fire. 🙂

  3. In this level, it also says there’s a book called “The Adventures of Martin Miggs, Mad Muggle” that it looks like we’re supposed to collect, since it’s listed among all the cookbooks. However, I can’t find it anywhere. Anyone else have any luck?

    BTW, thanks for the new Walkthroughs!

  4. “I can only hope people flock away from Orange in dreovs. Orange may get a few quid extra now, but it’s goodbye forever from me! Don’t forget, ‘material detriment’ is for you and your circumstances to determine, not for Orange.” From: Ofcom are not going to investigate Orange’s price rise

  5. i have done both pages 1 and 2 but i still cant go on to level 5 :S can anyone tell me why?

  6. I’ve got to book 2 chapter 5, if it already exists walkthrough??
    my Account is WombatGold23355
    i’m Slytherin

    • I’m gonna stop bossing people around now
      So I totally agree / HUFFLEPUFF FOR THE WIN!

  7. There’s a little chocolate card between the books on the left of the second level of zoom.

  8. I’ve got problem with crossing to next scene after collecting shopping list (at the beggining). I do everything what is written here but it is impossible to go to floo powder scene. I see padlock where should be arrow to the next scene… I can’t collect the shopping list. If i click on it to collect, it just shows my all books and i can only click “continue” but I can’t grab it. Why? I’ve got this list in my trunk but the next level is locked! I even bought all books from list in Diagon Alley but i still can’t go futher…

  9. Not sure, if you realized, but if you click on the fireplace (near the green flame), after the floo powder has been collected, you can unlock an ‘Objects’ page from J.K Rowling 🙂

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