Tinkatolli Guides


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New Tinkatolli Room: The Deep End

Hey Tinkas,

Tinkatolli has added yet another room! This room is called The Deep End, and it can be accessed by going to Sundunia.


In order to actually get into The Deep End, you will have to purchase a Diving Mask.


You can buy a Diving Mask at The Garb Clothing Shop in Canopia for 200 Trinkets, as long as you are level 1. You also must be a member to buy a Diving Mask.


Once you purchase a Diving Mask, you can then access The Deep End! The Deep End is basically a huge underwater cave in the ocean that your Tinka can swim in. This is how the top of The Deep End looks:


If you swim downwards, you will come to the bottom of the cave, which looks like this:


Awesome update! I absolutely love this room, especially since your Tinka can actually swim in it! Let us know what you think in the comments!

Tinkatolli New Summer Clothes and Dirty Dozen Member Only Items

Hey tinkas!

Tinkatolli have added some new clothes for the Summer and have added some Dirty Dozen items only for members! First up, the clothes!

skirt_shorts_red shoes_sneakers_khaki shoes_sneakers_blue shoes_hitops_red shoes_hitops_rainbowlaces shoes_hitops_orangelaces shoes_hitops_blue shirt_swimsuit_redstripeshirt_swimsuit_redpolkadot

I like how there are clothes for everyone! The rainbow-laced shoes are so awesome!

(Credit to Tinkatolli Tips for the images)

Now lets move on to the Dirty Dozen Member-Only items!

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Now, instead of there being four non-member items, there are 4 member-only items and 2 non-member items. For members this is a good thing as they have bigger selection but non-members won’t be as happy.

What do you think of this update? Do you like the new clothes? Post a comment below.

Tinkatolli’s Asimov Room Returns

Tinkatolli have changed the way you can get into Asimov. When you go to Stinkatolli and head near the robot’s head and use the Cassi Flower, you will now not get it back.

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You now get a lot of junk!

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You must then purchase another one from the Unusuals Outlet for 50 trinkets. (members only item).

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New Tinkatolli Room: Snake Pit

Hey Tinkas,

Tinkatolli has added a new room called Snake Pit! It can be accessed by going to Stinkatolli, and then clicking the sign on the far-left side of the room. In order to get into the room, you will need to build a Tinkanoe (which is a members-only item) in the Mechanicals Shop. It costs 300 Trinkets and you will need the following:

  • 2 Crushed Bottle Caps (Silver Platter)
  • 2 Pink String Loops (Skinny Stretchy Gatherer)
  • 1 Toilet Paper Tube (Protracted Pulp Tube
  • 2 Cotton Tips (Shaft of Cloud)
  • 1 White Shell

Here is the sign you click in Stinkatolli when accessing Snake Pit:


Here is how Snake Pit looks:


You can now collect a new type of Snake Skin in Snake Pit, which looks like this:


Awesome update! Snake Pit is such a cool room, don’t you agree? Make sure to drop us a comment below!