Tinkatolli Guides


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Tinkatolli Rules

As every other Virtual World out there. Tinkatolli has a set of rules on which you must comply, if you don’t know what comply means it means you must follow. Below is a picture of the rules:


If you can’t see the image well here they are typed out.

  1. Be Safe – never give out personal information like your real name, home address, phone number or passwords.
  2. Talk nice – Tinkas don’t like swearing, or talking in a mean or bad way. So don’t talk like that.
  3. Be  Nice – Be polite and treat Tinkas with respect, and they’ll do the same back to you. When a Tinka asks you to stop doing something that is bothering them – listen, and stop. And don’t ask another Tinka to stop what they are doing unless they are really bothering you.
  4. Be honest – If you chear you’ll only be cheating yourself out of the full experience of the game. A real Tinka would never cheat or be dishonest. Players who break the rules risk being banned or kicked out of Tinkatolli forever.
Tinkatolli has announced a new rule and which is “No Dating“.
  • No dating – This kind of thing makes a lot of players uncomfortable, and isn’t appropriate for a kids game.
If you ever suspect a tinka to do something wrong and it’s disturbing you, use this emotion as the rules say:
I have found this to work and if it doesn’t work you simply can “Report” tinka, which is located on the bottom of their playercard.
You will then get a popup saying the tinkas name and asking “What did they do” basically enter what they did and click “Send Report”.
Once you have clicked on “Report Player” the Tinkatolli HQ Staff will be alerted and do actions that are necessary to the situation.
You can also temporarly “block” the tinka in the situation meaning you won’t be able to see what they say. All you will have to do is click on their tinka and click on block.
Follow the rules tinka and make sure you HAVE FUN! 

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