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TinkaView #22 – Journey

Joelle: What are the things you like about Tinkatolli ?

Journey: Just how the whole game works

Journey: The makeables

Journey: The games and the seeds

Journey: And all the cool junk

Joelle: Awesome 😀

Joelle: What is your most favorite feature of Tinkatolli?

Journey: Probably the tinkafaie

Journey: tinkafair

Journey: I love how everyone enters there makeables and they have a shot at making it

Journey: into tinkatolli

Joelle: Yeah, it’s great 🙂

Joelle: What is your favorite room on Tinkatolli and why?

Journey: I love Junkatolli

Journey: I love all the junk they have there

Journey: I love the new dirty dozen trader there too

Joelle: Hehe, that’s one of my favorites

Joelle: What do you think of the Unusuals trader in Tinkertown?

Journey: I think its awsome!

Journey: But a little off track

Journey: Since the description was get OLD unusuals

Journey: Not new ones….

Journey: So the first one was great!

Joelle: True, but I guess the new ones get players more excited 😀

Journey: True

Joelle: I guess they will be adding more old ones too

Journey: Probably

Joelle: What do you think of the Trader ribbons?

Journey: I think there really cool!

Journey: I love when the trader comes and everyone is excited

Journey: And when he comes

Journey: Everyone scrambles for the items

Journey: And its like a big race

Joelle: Would you buy any Tinkatolli merchandise? If so, what?

Journey: Definetly

Journey: I would love a plush of kevins tinka

Journey: Idk if thats a option

Journey: But if it is I would vote for it

Joelle: Yeah, I love plushes 🙂

Joelle: Is there anything you would like to see on Tinkatolli in the future?

Journey: Probably more rooms

Journey: And a faster and easier way to earn seeds

Joelle: I agree, very good views there !

Joelle: Thanks for your time 🙂

Journey: Thanks!

Journey: Your welcome

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